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Rating:Allianz Trims Two Funds' Fees Not Rated 0.0 Email Routing List Email & Route  Print Print
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Allianz Trims Two Funds' Fees

by: Neil Anderson, Managing Editor

Allianz Global Investors just cut fees on a pair of its mutual funds.

Elizabeth Corley
Allianz Global Investors
Global Chief Executive Officer
A spokeswoman confirmed that on October 13 Allianz [profile] committed to a fee drop, including a 15 basis-point management fee drop to 120 bps (and 110 bps for institutional shares), for its three-star, $251.4-million AllianzGI Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund. And on November 1, Allianz cut the management fee on the three-star, $11.5-million AllianzGI NFJ International Small-Cap Value Fund by 10 bps, to 85 bps.

"We regularly review our pricing to ensure that our products remain priced as competitively as possible," Allianz spokeswoman Megan Frank tells MFWire in an e-mailed statement.

All in, the EM fund fund costs 147 bps annually for A shares (not including the 550 bps maximum front-end load and the 100 bps maximum back-end load), 222 bps for C shares (not including the back-end load), 147 bps for D shares, 112 bps for institutional shares, and 122 bps for P shares. The small-cap fund (complete with the same maximum front-end and back-end loads as the EM fund) costs 130 bps annually for A shares, 205 bps for C shares, 130 bps for D shares, 105 bps for institutional shares, and 115 bps for P shares. 

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